Monday, April 2, 2012

Thales, Iris and the Time Machine

Our students made a short film concerning one episode of the our story "Thales and Iris". This story is written by students from both Romanian and Greek schools  and it refers to the adventures of a young physician called Thales. Thales lives in 400 B.C. in Greece and he has managed to create a TIME MACHINE. In order to create this film the students made Thales and Iris out of clay. Then they set up a scenery using mirrors, an old motherboard from a computer, plants, a large glass plate and a blue bedsheet.

They put their camera on a small table in front of the scenery and they took many pictures while changing the lights and the position of Thales and Iris. They used a torch and colorful transparent papers to create light effects. Then all these photos were edited with movie maker. Sounds, titles and self made animations were added. Here is the result.

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