our project

PHENOMENA is an eTwinning science project between the Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 5 "Emil Gulian", in Romania and the Primary School of Dimitritsi, in Greece. The whole project was originally published on   http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p69439/  .eTwinning  is the community for schools in Europe and it is part of Comenius, the EU  programme for schools.
  The PHENOMENA project was born from the desire of stimulating the students to study Physics.

 Both the Romanian and Greek students used the new technologies to learn the optical, electric and magnetic phenomena. The students have taken photos, created Word documents, PDF, Power Point, Googledocs, videos, e-games animations and tutorials. English was used as a tool of communication, increasing the students ‘interest. They developed a story about two imaginary people (Thales and Iris) and for illustrating it they made puppets and staged a part of it. 

In collaboration they have written a Greek -Romanian- English dictionary of terms from Physics.

 During the project we made a booklet with expressions and sayings about eyes and a calendar for 2013.
The project was successfully presented to parents, students, teachers and local communities in both countries. Throughout the project we evaluated periodically the materials from e-twinning space and produced new ideas.
The students had a double role: that of teacher and student for their peer partners. After studying a chapter of Physics, the students presented the contents in an attractive form to their colleagues. The Greek and Romanian students worked together to carry out the materials posted on the twinning space, the Greek students have processed the materials posted by the Romanian students and vice versa. Teachers became students and learned a lot of new things from their students, especially about ICT. In the twinning space we created new pages during the project in which new ideas have been implemented. The project was initially designed to cover the topic of Physics, but in the meantime other disciplines such literature, art, music, Chemistry and Biology were involved.
During the whole project the students exchanged also information about theirs schools and their countries.

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