Thursday, February 16, 2012

first evaluation

Upon the creation of twinspace for our project, students from both schools started to learn how to create movies, animations and power point presentations. They also used their newly acquired knowledge to upload information regarding their school and their physics lessons on twinspace. The students who are pupil administrators helped organize twispace into files and sub files.
Although Romania is faced with a tremendous winter and challenging weather conditions which hinder the students’ occupation with the lesson of physics, however this situation presented a wonderful opportunity for chat in the forum.
Romanian students uploaded this photo on the file "light sourses"

Special attention is given to the safe use of internet, particularly regarding the upload of children’s photos. Therefore, students were taught how to minimize their photos or how to blur them prior to uploading and use pictures where faces are somehow altered.
The Greek school used power point to upload the story of Narcissus, the beautiful youth who fell in love with his reflection in a pool and was punished by the gods for his arrogance. Reflections and mirrors constitute a major chapter of physics which we examine. The story of Narcissus inspired a new idea, which was script for a movie dealing with natural phenomena

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